
I’m a freelance journalist with 4+ years of experience, reporting on digital technology, inequality and social change. I’m formerly Dazed’s political book columnist. To commission me or chat about my work, email me at adelewalton99@gmail.com

The i paper

We are scrolling towards a climate crisis (Also in print)

‘My boss is spying on me’: The rise in companies recording employees’ every move (Also in print)

How TikTok and Instagram made reading books an unnecessarily competitive sport

Big Issue

The Post Office Scandal proves why workers’ needs must be put ahead of AI and technology

‘We need protection’: How AI, algorithms and oppressive digital tech are pushing workers to the brink

How communities are tackling the digital divide

From online deals to job searches: how digital exclusion makes the cost of living even higher

Teenagers are having to provide for their families as the cost of living crisis hits


I thought I’d get the job. Then I found out my interviewer was an AI chatbot

Befriending an older person taught me the meaning of digital exclusion

I thought nothing would help my anxiety - until I discovered DJing

The Independent

Lockdown has helped me find a way to deal with my body dysmorphia

I thought I had a healthy approach to influencing - until now

Guardian US

Interview: The job applicants shut out by AI


How to stop social media ruining your self esteem

Green is the new Red: why young people are turning to the Green Party

How sex workers are fighting the cost of living crisis

Inside the growing demand for permanent make-up removal

Q&A with Vicky Spratt, Journalist and Author of Tenants


10 books to read when you’re considering logging off

Computer Weekly

Creative workers say livelihoods threatened by generative AI

Dazed - Book Column 2023-2024

All the books you should read in 2023

10 books about love to read this Valentine’s Day

The fight for trans rights is an anti-patriarchal fight - Angela Saini

We should be critical about the dreams that are sold to us - Kieran Yates

‘We really need to revolt’: inside Britain’s hidden care crisis - Emily Kenway

This new book examines whether capitalism really is driving us all mad - Micha Frazer-Caroll

The harrowing reality of life in solitary confinement - Damascus James

Naomi Klein on why everything feels so uncanny right now - Naomi Klein

Beauty culture is a reflection of our political culture - Emma Dabiri

How eyeliner become a symbol of political resistance - Zahra Hankir

How does misogyny differ for trans women? - Jules Gill-Peterson

Unshrinking: how to detox from fatphobia - Kate Manne


Remembering the Ogoni Nine

After Covid, Sankara’s Lessons on Debt Are as Relevant as Ever

How Structural Adjustment Paved the Way for the Covid Crisis

How Britain’s Universities Are Complicit in Israel’s Occupation

Remembering Rana Plaza

Vaccine Holidays Are a Symbol of the New Covid Inequality

Capitalism Won’t Give Us the Development We Need

The Quiet Disappearance of Britain’s Public Libraries

The Dark Truth About Dubai’s Influencer Marketing

The Face

Gen Z are side-hustling their way out of the cost-of-living crisis

The Strike Diaries: a week in the life of a trainee teacher

The Strike Diaries: a week in the life of an NHS nurse

The Strike Diaries: a week in the life of a train cleaner

The Strike Diaries: a week in the life of a junior doctor

The Strike Diaries: Why Croydon’s homelessness department went on strike

The Strike Diaries: Why university staff are still on strike

The New Arab

Beyond shadowbanning: Facebook posts can’t liberate Palestine

If journalist's aren’t protected, free speech means nothing

70 years on Mau Mau history reminds us of the British monarchy's violence

Women are absorbing the costs of food inflation worldwide

It’s time to ditch the developed versus developing dichotomy


The women fighting to make women and girls safe in the digital age

How TikTok is breaking us up

New Internationalist

Social media users are bypassing censorship on Palestine

How sex workers are fighting for their digital safety (in print, no link)

The Lead

The ghosts behind AI

Closing train ticket offices: a new disability barrier


How to fight gentrification in the ends? Privatise the Mandem & the short film based on my article

12 riotous books that radicalised me in 2021


Amazon’s surveillance culture is ‘breaking’ it’s workers

How Gypsies were left behind amid the pandemic

The Wages for Housework Campaign is still vital

Author Q&A: Reclaiming the anti-racist movement from capitalism


Gambling and the Cost of Living Crisis: A Perfect Storm in the Making

Refinery 29

Grieving on Social Media Made Me Lonelier Than Ever

Wellcome Collection

Life lessons across the digital divide

The Guardian

Saturday Magazine


Putin’s invasion of Ukraine didn’t cause the food crisis. Capitalism did.


The Revolutionary Feminism of Thomas Sankara


Spiritual storytelling: Charisse C’s fluid amapiano sets are building a bridge between continents

Novara Media

This Year’s the World Transformed Is the Perfect Opportunity for the Left to Rebuild Itself

Progressive International (Translated works in German, Turkish, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese)

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine didn’t cause the food crisis. Capitalism did.

Tidningen Global (Translated works in Swedish)

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine didn’t cause the food crisis. Capitalism did.

Jacobin Brasil (Translated works in Portuguese)

Vaccine Holidays Are a Symbol of the New Covid Inequality


My family’s olive groves are a legacy passed down through generations


Remembering Thomas Sankara

Debt Justice

Why we need a debt jubilee

shado mag

Cashing in on body image: how body dysmorphia is a capitalist issue

Polyester Zine

The Post-Scroll Guilt Phenomenon: Being Conscious of Absent Minded Consumption


10 strong female leads that aren’t girlbosses

MediaCat Magazine

Do we really need AI?